Thursday, August 25, 2005

Welcome to my world

It's a sunny but chilly day in this part of the UK and I'm looking out onto a square beautifully laid out with old Georgian townhouses and shaded by tall trees. Sounds like paradise but there's a catch because there are a couple of homeless people sitting on the benches on the square and there are two policemen talking to them trying to move them on. They are clutching large plastic bottles of cider- the homeless men not the police- and don't look like they are quite ready to move on yet.... The streets around us have just been designated a no street drinking zone hence the police. But I can't help but wonder what happens to those who are moved on- do they go on to plague some other street, some other square? Probably.

I'm not really sure how this blogging thing will go, but I'm hoping it will kick start my writing which has increasingly been sidelined by the day job which pays the bills. Maybe I can post my various works in progress and maybe, just maybe someone will give me good feedback and keep me going.

Other times maybe I'll just talk about the various things going on in my life at the moment- some boring, some humorous- a bit like life I guess- just getting on with it.

So what can you expect from my blog? Lots of talk about writing, especially Nigerian and African writing which I'm passionate about; some stuff about what it's like to negotiate your way through a culture different to that in which you were born and brought up; some stuff about growing up in Nigeria; perhaps some politics and current affairs which almost invariably I can't help but be passionate about; some stuff about great meals I've had and places I've been.

Eclectic really, so here goes.....


Anonymous said...

Your posts are really interesting. As I too am a Nigerian living in the UK I am always searching for other Nigerians blogging. Looking forward to reading more from you.

Jaja said...

u started fine..