Thursday, November 10, 2005


I woke up late this morning and had to dash to catch the train to my morning meetings. All day I've felt like I'm wading through really thick liquid and it feels as if I'm hearing through a thick veil as well......

The thick veil didn't stop me noting that Tony Blair was defeated in the Commons last night on his bill to hold terror suspects for 90 days without charge.....what I found most despicable was the insinuation that the July the 7th London bombings would have been prevented if such a law was in place....... I am no security expert but 90 days does seem a long time to hold someone without charge.......especially if you are only too aware that the police sometimes get it wrong....

On the Nigerian front, the wife of the Nigerian governor (see tummy tucking governors and other obscenities in the archives) who is currently charged with money laundering in London was herself arrested by British police yesterday in connection with millions of pounds allegedly found in her account.... I suppose their case is not helped by the fact that photographs of their daughter's graduation party from a Californian university are splashed all over the latest edition of Ovation, the Nigerian version of Hello, complete with Vera Wang ballgown and a poolside party AND ball at the Beverly Hills Hotel..........this from the governor of a state that has no roads, in the grossly deprived oil rich Niger Delta......the gall of some people!!!

I'm off on a weekend break tomorrow, I hope I'll come back rejuvenated...

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